Paul Hurcomb
Paul spent 12 years as a practicing Buddhist until 2002 when in the midst of deep suffering he had a profound awakening from mind identity into Presence. This experience led him to leave his job as a school teacher and spend long periods of time in India. This was where he met his teacher Sri Mooji who introduced him to the self-inquiry teachings popularised by Ramana Maharshi. This was where he realised the Self.
Since 2010 Paul has been holding meetings and retreats with groups both online and in person. Paul’s approach is natural, compassionate and clear. Always combining the deep embodiment of Presence with a direct and authentic approach to spirituality. In 2023 he released his first book “The Union of Love and Wisdom”. He is currently writing his second book ‘Fully Human, Fully Divine”.
Pauls message is to embrace our humanness from and as the light of consciousness.