Our very first festival took place back in 1996. A ‘circle of Elders’ laid the foundation and set the core intentions, such as spiritual awakening and celebration of life and individuality. This sparked the spirit of Ängsbacka, and it has been thriving until this day, and hopefully for many, many years to come.
In 2008 Ängsbacka became a non-profit membership organisation – Ängsbacka Economic Association. The association holds Ängsbacka Ltd company, which runs the daily operations of all events throughout the year. The association and the limited company have a shared vision.
Read the full Vision, Mission & Aim
Read the (föreningsstadga) Statues of Ängsbacka association – föreningsstadga (This is a legal document, available in Swedish only, use an online translator as needed).
Who can become a member?
Membership is open to anyone who wants to contribute to the realisation of our vision and support the spirit of the events that we create. The membership organisation’s main purpose is to be a legal foundation for Ängsbacka as a thriving and sustainable meeting place for personal and spiritual development.
The initial gift to the association is 1000 SEK. This buys you membership for the first year and helps to sustain the work that we do, and potentially to fund projects. The amount for annual contribution paid from the second year onward for as long as you want to stay a member is decided by the annual meeting (400 SEK in 2024).
Children and youth under 18 yrs of age can also be registered as memebers. They are also gifting 1000 SEK to enter the association and the annual fee to stay a member is 100 SEK.
Why be a member?
As a member you can involve yourself to the extent that you want. It can be anything ranging from just wanting to be contributing financially and energetically without any investment of your own time, to being an active part in projects, petitions and discussions, dedicating more of your time to Ängsbacka. We invite you to feel part of the community, and to give what your heart desires to give!
As a member you can bring suggestions and petitions for the improvement of Ängsbacka to the board. The board will then evaluate your proposal if it gets brought to the annual meeting.
Once you’re a member, we welcome you to connect and communicate via the members-only Facebook group.
Already a member!
All members should have a personal account in our membership database. If you still need to start up your account or have questions regarding the annual fee or other aspect of the membership, warmly welcome to contact us via member@angsbacka.se
Thank you for supporting Ängsbacka through membership!
Visit Ängsbacka
Depending on availability, you, as a member, are welcome to visit Ängsbacka as a guest during any time of the year when we are not hosting a festival or other big event.
There is an active working community of around 40 people sharing space here, eating together and doing different activities or workshops every day. To come as a guest can be a beautiful way to take a break from everyday life, and re-fuel at your ‘home away from home’ for a few days.
The cost is 300 SEK per night, including all meals and activities. You can stay a maximum of 7 nights in a row. Bring your own sheets and towels, or rent for 150 SEK per person. Remember that you need to contact us in advance to book and pay for your stay, as we need to make sure that we have space for you.
All adults connected to the guest booking should preferably be association members. If you agree with Booking office that a non-member can accompany you, they pay the full fee per night according to the current pricelist. Non-members cannot book guest nights on their own. If you agree with Booking office that you will bring along children/youth under 18 yrs of age it is not a requirement that they are paying members of the association. You pay 100 SEK per night for a child/youth accompanying you.
To book and pay your stay please contact us at booking@angsbacka.se.
“Everyone of us is a spark of the divine, a light unto this world.”
Membership strengthens and realizes the vision of Ängsbacka. If you wish to become a member please fill in the registration form linked below.
If you are a member but did not pay your annual fee for this year please send a mail to member@angsbacka.se.
Meet the Board of the Economic Association
The association board members are always here for your questions and feedback. Please feel welcome to share opinions or make suggestions via the contact form, or by sending an email to board@angsbacka.se
Mette Boström
Read more about Mette
Mette didn’t hesitate when she was asked to join the board. As she puts it “Ängsbacka is such a yes to me and if I can support Ängsbacka, I will”. She is curious about life and the exploration of different aspects and angles of it. Apart from holding classes in tantra and breath work, her work also includes being a bus driver.
She wants to contribute experiences from many fields, such as the corporate world, community life and building, plus from spiritual and personal development.
Her experience is that there is always something to learn and take responsibilities for in oneself, according to outer experiences, and how do we do that with presence and consciousness? “Can I look at it with connection to love, both in myself and others? That is probably the best contribution you can make right now to this world's greater mind shift and I am curious about bringing that in, everywhere I walk”.
Mette would love to bring Ängsbacka together as one, with all our shared enthusiasm,
Kjell Andersson
Read more about Kjell
Kjell came for his first Ängsbacka festival experiences in 2014. He had a wonderful, heart-opening meeting and beautiful memories from this first encounter.
He sees Ängsbacka as a unique place in Sweden where people can meet in a genuine, open and loving way. A place for personal development, to see and know each other for who we truly are. He lives at the coast near Gothenburg, professional in the field of Economy. In the board he especially looks after the Ängsbacka tradition, development and continuation.
LeAnn Eriksson
Read more about LeAnn
LeAnn is serving on the Ängsbacka Board because she has fallen in love with this place and its potential. Our whole world is on the brink of complete transformation, and she sees Ängsbacka as an island of the future, a place where we can regenerate soul and soil.
With so many people coming and going, one of Ängsbacka’s greatest challenges has been continuity. We need a group of folks who are willing to develop new projects/sources of income and stay until they are manifested. She is part of the group living at Ängsbacka long term.
LeAnn has experience in many fields,
including business, music, holistic
counseling and therapies, gardening, cooking, and mothering, and has lived and worked on every continent except
Antarctica. As a board member, she brings all of this, with an open heart, in service to this beautiful place.
Sascha Verbeek
Read more about Sascha
For the last 13 years Sascha has been
living in Molkom, first years at
Ängsbacka, and all other years close to it. In these years he has been helping out in different roles within kitchen, festival, board and housekeeping. After a few years being in the nomination committee he would like to do something else.
Being in the board feels like a place for him to contribute with his years of Ängsbacka
experience and to not only talk on the “sideline” about Ängsbacka and how things should be done. He wants to have more responsibility, and with this also a chance to be part of a group to guide Ängsbacka into the future.
Read more about Alexander
Alexander’s first connection to Ängsbacka was around ten yeas ago. That year, at another place in Värmland, he was also introduced to Dan Uhrbom. Who he was to work with some years later. Wild plants, raw food and fermented stuff was among the gifts and teachings of Dan. He tells of one day when a curious person entered their kitchen tent, looked around for some time and then said “Aah, a laboratory”. One summer of coordinating the kitchen volunteers and later starting the food saving project, is also among his endeavour here.