Yulia rose

Tantric Somatic sex coach & temple priestess

Yulia Rose is a somatic sex coach and tantric priestess who has devoted the past 12 years to uplifting individuals through her one-on-one coaching, international retreats, and workshops.

Her passion lies in reminding people of the profound influence of a self-regulated nervous system, the intricate connection between body, mind, and spirit, and the transformative potential of healing through pleasure.

With a profound calling to support women who feel a deep inner pull to nurture masculine energy through the art of temple Tantra massage, Yulia also focuses on aiding both men and women in overcoming sexual blockages. Her aim is to facilitate a deeper connection with oneself and to foster profound tantric intimacy.

At the core of her life’s mission is to inspire individuals to embrace a life abundant in embodiment, joy, ecstasy, and fulfillment.
