Ron Oren

Relationship therapist, Integral Sexuality teacher, Temple facilitator, community leader of Wild Body of Love, midiation of conflicts

Ron Oren, is a father, partner, therapist and enterpenure. Leading a sex positive community in Brazil, Ron and his wife are always exploring in their trainings “WILD BODY OF LOVE”, cutting edge tools for a new human civilization based on integrity, empowerment, authenticity and the pulsation of the heart.
A former contemporary dancer, Biodanza facilitator, bio constructor and a co-founder of the Deep Emotional Listening method.
Ron seamlessly integrates caring love with radical audacity, allowing him to make an impeccable impact on his students life
One of Ron’s specialties lies in conflict resolution and providing tools for building harmonious relationships. His deep yearning for INTIMACY WITH THE MYSTERY is infectious and inspiring. Ron believes in the power of embodiment and encourages individuals to
“Walk your talk, and dance your purpose with passion. ”
Join Ron on his journey