Tantra Festival

FIVE DAYS OF LIFE EXPANSION! Through transformational workshops, music, dance, conscious sexuality and meetings from the heart.
July 16 – July 21, 2024


Tantra Festival at Ängsbacka welcomes everyone just as you are.


Our skilled teachers are here to share their gifts in benefit of your experience.

100+ Workshops

The daily program offers activities from early in the morning till late at night.


Experience nature through earthing barefoot walks and by spending time in the forest around Ängsbacka


We believe in the transformative power of returning to our essence – of rediscovering the deep-rooted connection to ourselves, to nature, and to each other. It’s a celebration of love, authenticity, and the beauty of simply being.

Ängsbacka’s Tantra Festival is more than a festive gathering of beautiful people, it’s an invitation to surrender, to open your heart, and to embrace the present moment with all its joys and challenges. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your connection with a partner, cultivate self-love, or simply unwind and recharge, you’ll find a nurturing space here to support your journey.

With our incredible lineup of teachers, facilitators, and musicians you are invited to come home to love, connection, and peace.

We invite you to come home to yourself.

Join us for an enchanting experience filled with intimate meetings, ecstatic singing with Punnu Vasu, mesmerizing concerts with Snake Charmer, and a dance party beyond comprehension with the famous DJ duo Beard2Beard. Release your creative energy in Janie Swan’s creativity temple, a space dedicated to crafting and art. Grab a cake and a fluffy coffee to enjoy at the cafe stairs or dive deep into tantric yoga with Philip Flow.

Who can join?

At Ängsbacka’s Tantra Festival you are welcome just as you are. You can come alone as a single or together with a partner. All sexual orientations and preferences are warmly welcome as long as you are 18 years or older.

Join us from July 16 till July 21, 2024


Check-in at reception: 15:00 – 18:30
Dinner first night: 18:30 – 19:30
Welcome ceremony: 20:00 in Heart Tent

Last meal: 13:00 – 14:00

*Clean your room before this time. You don’t need to formally check out at the reception.

What to expect from The tantra festival

The Tantra Festival offers a program filled with workshops led by today’s foremost tantra teachers in Europe like Eugene Hedlund, Lin Holmquist, Anand Rudra, Kobi, Aaron Kleinermann and Arja Hendrixx ensuring a rich and high quality experience for all. We offer everything in the range from large workshops for you who wish to mingle with many people, to small and very intimate workshops for those of you who wish to meet more privately.  We are famous for our tantric tea ceremonies with Steve Kokker, an Estonian tea master and our vibrant tantric parties where everyone feels welcome and seen.

For those of you who wish to explore the fusion of the darker aspects of tantra with BDSM we promise a truly mind-blowing experience together with Andy Buru or Cherie Ellen.

Welcome to the Tantra Festival, in the garden of Ängsbacka, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of nature.

Join the festival

Explore the depths of connection and awakening at the Tantra Festival, where ancient wisdom meets modern hearts

Teachers & Musicians

The program team is currently working on the development of an amazing program with the best teachers and musicians. In the months leading up to the Festival, we will regularely announce new teachers and musicians so do come back to check it out!

So what is Tantra

Tantra at Ängsbacka is not just about sex. It is about forging deep connections and embracing the present moment. Our workshops are inclusive, welcoming individuals of all sexual orientations – whether you identify as hetero, gay, bi, asexual, trans, or queer. Explore the tantric concepts of masculine and feminine energy, transcending traditional gender roles. Embark on this transformative tantric journey to connect with yourself and others in a meaningful and inclusive way. Your beautiful experience awaits!


Everything at the Tantra Festival is optional, allowing you to choose from up to 8 parallel workshops tailored to different topics, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Feel free to take breaks at any time, take a walk in the woods or unwind in our rejuvenating sauna. This structure makes it easy and safe to connect with old and new friends regardless if you come to the festival by yourself or with others.


The different activities will be visually categorised based on their content. The categories might for instance give you information on how advanced or challenging the workshop will be.



  • You are expected to be honest and take responsibility for your own feelings and actions.

  • You are expected to be accepting towards the other participants. Compassion, respect, and open honesty are embraced and encouraged.

  • You are expected to keep your sexual relationships in your own private room or in your tent. There will be specific areas where nudity will be permitted, but it is not allowed to have sex in those areas.

    Emotional support

    Tantra is a global movement; a powerful and influential method for personal development, known and practiced for centuries. Some say it’s the fastest way to enlightenment – experience shows that the way there most likely goes via blockages and feelings of fear, shame and guilt.

    We are aware of the challenges You may encounter during your stay with us; that’s why we have a professional emotional support team who will be available 24hrs should you need their assistance.


    Entry to the festival including 17 vegetarian meals and standard accommodation.

    8800 SEK

    • 6 days immersion in the sacred path of Tantra
    • Daily breakfast and two warm meals
    • Access to 100+ different workshops
    • 40+ Teachers & Musicians

    Accommodation choices can influence the price per ticket.


    Our summer offers a varety of opportunities to come as a volunteer. You can come for just one event or choose to come for a longer volunteer camp.


    • Explore what it is like to bring presence and joy into ordinary work.
    • Experience the feeling of community and create friends for life.
    • Join the practice and experience the magic of sharing authentically from the heart (except on your days off)
    • An opportunity to join transformative workshops outside of your working hours


    A typical day at an Ängsbacka festival

    Our events all have their unique program of workshops and other activities, still there are some fixed points that you can expect at the festival:

    • An early morning program is offered - yoga, breathing, meditation etc. - before..
    • Breakfast - our first meal of the day.
    • A gathering for all with music and togetherness setting the tone of the day is followed by..
    • Morning workshops and other activities until..
    • Lunch - the main meal of the day.
    • Afternoon workshops and activities go on until..
    • Dinner - a lighter, still fully nourishing meal.
    • An evening program follows; workshops, dance, live music or a cozy hang-out in the café.

    Once per day everybody meets in their sharing groups; all of us come together for the core practice of Ängsbacka!

    Workshops on the program are described and categorized in such a way that you can find out how advanced or challenging exercises you can expect beforehand.


    The basic festival ticket includes a spot in the camping area and you bring your own tent.

    All our indoor accommodations come at hostel standard with shared showers and toilets.You will find outdoor toilets in connection to the camping areas and outdoor showers are available to complement the indoor facilities. We advise you to bring earplugs for better sleep if you are sound sensitive as the festival area can get loud at times (the program will end latest 02.00).


    Depending on availability and your budget we offer the following options for indoor accommodation: 

    • dormitory (bunk bed)
    • 4 bedroom (bunk bed)
    • double room (twin bed)
    • Single room

    Indoor accommodation includes a blanket and pillow for each person. You need to bring your own bed sheets or a sleeping bag and a pillowcase. Towels are not included. We offer a possibility to rent sheets and towels at an additional cost.


    If you would like to bring your camper or caravan - check availability when booking your ticket. Unfortunately we do not have the capacity to offer electricity for any of these spots. 


    Sometimes you need more privacy or tranquility or maybe you want to bring your dog (no dogs allowed on site). Booking an off site accommodation can be a good option and many private house/flat owners offer spaces for rent during the summer. Please request the list of people offering off site accommodation by contacting our booking office.



    The festival ticket includes all meals; breakfast lunch and dinner are prepared and served daily. Ängsbacka offers a vegetarian diet prepared with love. We use locally produced and organic products to a large extent. In connection with your booking, you can ask for a vegan diet (same as lactose free) or gluten and nut-free food options. For practical reasons, we cannot meet any other wishes related to allergies or diets during festivals. All meals are presented at the outdoor serving tent area.


    Ängsbacka has a policy of zero tolerance for illicit drugs and alcohol. We don’t serve alcohol, and it is not allowed to drink or to be under the influence of alcohol or other substances when you are at Ängsbacka. If you are found under the influence, we will ask you to leave immediately.

    Please find our other general policies and guidelines here.

    Code of ethics

    Ängsbacka is continuously developing intentions for offering supportive and transformational spaces - read our Code of Ethics here.


    Remember! We always request you to book and pay your event ticket online before arrival.

    Both our café and the reception at Ängbsacka are cash-free, so once at Ängsbacka you will only be able to use card or Swish  (Swedish direct payment service) as a payment method at our reception and in the café. 

    We only accept the currency SEK. 
    For cash withdrawal, there is a cash point at Coop in Molkom (the nearby village).


    The Café is a cosy meeting place for hang-out, new friendships and deep conversation. You can buy yummy home-made cakes, a wide range of coffee, teas, golden milk, smoothies, chilled beverages, chocolate, raw food goodies and more!

    During the summer our café is a tech-free zone, so the café is not a place for work or gaming on your digital devices. Charging your digital devices can be done in "The Hub".


    Our amazing Sauna is open all evenings of the festival. Come relax and enjoy the heat in the company of new and old friends. It is a requirement to bring a towel to sit on in the sauna.

    Holy Tree crafts and instrument shop

    In the Holy Tree shop you find a unique selection of music instruments such as shamanic drums, flutes, rattles and more.


    Simsala Chai is beautifully situated a short walk into the forest next to the festival area. Welcome to treat and nourish yourself with a cup of chai in the presence of nature. Here you also find hand crafted music instruments. Come, take a break from the intensity of the festival and let yourself be held by the spirit of the forest.

    Healing Circle

    The Healing Circle offers personal sessions for bodywork, energy healing, massage, counseling and other forms of therapies/modalities. Make sure to bring your own towel to your session to lay on. You can book and pay (by card) your sessions through the reception, or the Café when the reception is closed, during your stay at Ängsbacka


    Information about workshop leaders and Festival programs for each day can be found in the Festival Gallery outside the barn. The Festival program can be changed with short notice, so please check it often.

    Here you also find opening hours for café, shops, reception and more.


    In The Hub, the tent next to the Festival Gallery, you can find more information about the amazing work our workshop leaders are doing outside of Ängsbacka.

    If you need to charge any of your digital devices you are more then welcome to use our charging stations located in The Hub.


    As a visitor at Ängsbacka you are solely responsible for your personal belongings at all times. During the actual event Ängsbacka will support you to retrieve any items lost by setting up, and maintaining specific “Lost & Found”-labelled boxes nearby the workshop-spaces.After each Festival the lost & found boxes will be emptied and all collected items will be stored in our Lost & Found tent for a total of 2 weeks upon completion of the event. 

    Valuables such as wallets, digital devices, keys and similar are handed in and kept at our booking office for a maximum of 3 months and will be returned upon description. Valuables are the only items that will be sent to you after the event is over and you will be charged for the postage plus an administrative fee of 100 SEK. 

    Please be aware that Ängsbacka does not take any responsibility for personal belongings - the above is to be considered a service and not a guarantee that you will be able to retrieve lost items whether valuables or others, such as clothing.

    ELECTRIC cars

    In case you choose to travel to Ängsbacka with an electric car, here are some things you need to know. Since we have a limited power grid we can’t provide charging facilities for electric cars. The closest charging station is in Karlstad (30 kilometres) or Forshaga (25 kilometres). On this website you can find the best one for you https://chargefinder.com/se/karlstad/laddplatser-elbil/z6g3z9. Travel safe and see you soon!


    A welcome letter with more detailed information about the festival will be sent out to all participants.


    Ängsbacka is an international course and festival center with people from all over the world. The main language spoken during the festivals is English.


    It’s easy to find your way to Ängsbacka by car, bus or train. Read more about how to find your way here.


    During the festival the reception will be open every day, times will vary. You can find our contact details here.

    Lin Holmquist

    Program Coordinator

    Lin started her journey with the primordial shamanism of the north, she continued study Advaita Vedanta and later crazy wisdom, neotantra, NLP and therapy. She weaves modern psychology and science with the traditional practices of tantra and she is the bridge between the material and spiritual world. After a powerful and life changing kundalini awakening in 2011 she follows the inner truth and her passion is to see people’s awakening and to guide them through this intense experiences. Lin works with pleasure as healing method and she facilitates tantra groups and trainings all over the globe.